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Prenyl acetate | CAS:1191-16-8
Prenyl acetate
  • 名称:梨醇酯; 3,3-二甲基烯丙基乙酸酯; 3-甲基-2-丁烯-1-醇乙酸酯; 3-甲基-2-丁烯醋酸酯; 2-异戊烯乙酸酯 | Prenyl acetate
  • CAS号:1191-16-8
  • 别名:3,3-Dimethylallyl acetate; 3-Methyl-2-butenyl acetate; Isopent-2-enyl acetate
  • 分子式:C7H12O2
  • 分子量:128.17
  • EINESC号:214-730-4



沸点 151-152 ºC (752 mmHg)
闪点 49 ºC
密度 0.917
折射率 1.43


危险类别码 R10
安全说明书 S16


来源 SDS样本
Alfa-Aesar 浏览或下载
Sigma-Aldrich 浏览或下载
TCI 浏览或下载

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Immunochemical methods for ochratoxin A detection: a review.Eline P Meulenberg Toxins, 4(4), 244-266 (2012-05-19) Endocrine disrupting effects of ochratoxin A at the level of nuclear receptor activation and steroidogenesis.C Frizzell et al.Toxicology letters, 217(3), 243-250 (2013-01-09) Determination of ochratoxin A in licorice and licorice extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection: collaborative study.Donata Lerda et al.Journal of AOAC International, 96(2), 331-340 (2013-06-19) Sampling of cereals and cereal-based foods for the determination of ochratoxin A: an overview.S A Tittlemier et al.Food additives & contaminants. 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